College of Business
Florida International University
Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, MANGO 414
Miami, FL 33199
Phone: (305) 919-5514
Email: goodend@fiu.edu
Doreen J. Gooden
Teaching Professor, Department of International Business
College of Business
Florida International University
Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, MANGO 414
Miami, FL 33199
Phone: (305) 919-5514
Email: goodend@fiu.edu
DBA of Business Administration
Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Master of Business Administration
Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Bachelor of Science in Management Studies
University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica
Courses Taught
- Business in Asia
- Business in Europe
- Contextual Intelligence in International Business
- Foreign Direct Investment
- International Business
- International Management
- International Risk Assessment
- Managing Innovation
- Managing Organizational Reputations
- Organization and Management
- Special Topics in International Business
- Strategic Management
- Study Abroad in International Business
- Trade Policy and Business
- Gooden, D., Creque, C. A., & Chin-loy, C. (2017). The Impact of Metacognitive, Cognitive and Motivational Cultural Intelligence on Behavioral Cultural Intelligence. International Business & Economics Research Journal, 16(3).
- Logan, T. M., & Gooden, D. (2017). "Capital and Firm Specific Characteristics: An examination of the survival of deposit-taking financial institutions (DFI) in Latin America and the Caribbean during the Financial Crisis". International Journal of Economics and Finance, 9(10).
- Logan, T. M., & Gooden, D. (2017). Capital and Firm Specific Characteristics: An examination of the survival of deposit-taking financial institutions (DFI) in Latin America and the Caribbean during the Financial Crisis. International Journal of Business.
- Logan, T. M., & Gooden, D. (2014). Corporate Governance in Jamaica: A Risk Management Approach. International Journal of Business and Management, 9(1).
- Logan, T., Gooden, D. J., & Simon, H. H. (2013). Corporate Governance in the Lodging Industry: Special Case of The Service Industry. International Journal of Management & Information Systems, 17(2).
- Creque, C. A., & Gooden, D. J. (2011). Cultural intelligence and global business competencies: A framework for organizational effectiveness in the global marketplace. International Journal of Management & Information Systems, 15(4).
- Gooden, D. J., & Preziosi, R. C. (2009). An examination of Kolb’s learning style inventory. American Journal of Business Education, 2(3).
- Gooden, D. J., Barnes, F. B., & Preziosi, R. C. (2004). An Examination of the Learning Styles of Online MBA Students and their Preferred Course Delivery Methods. New Horizons in Adult Education Journal, 18(2).
- Gooden, D. J., & Preziosi, R. C. (2002). The Relationship between Values Congruence and Innovation Capability. International Business & Economics Research Journal, 1(8).
- Gooden, D. J., & Preziosi, R. C. (2002). Using Appreciative Learning in Executive Education. New Horizons in Adult Education Journal, 16(1).