Erica Harris
Associate Professor, School of Accounting
College of Business
Florida International University
Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, MANGO 312
Miami, FL 33199
Phone: (305) 348-3500
Ph.D. in Business Administration
Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Areas of Expertise
- Nonprofit accounting
- Nonprofit governance
- Nonprofit organizations
Professional Activities
Erica E. Harris, PhD, CPA is an Associate Professor of accounting at Florida International University’s School of Accounting. She has been awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to study Irish nonprofit organizations at Dublin City University during the summer of 2022. Prior to her appointment she was named the Andrew J. Melton Jr. Associate Professor of accounting at Villanova University and also served as an Assistant Professor of accounting at Rutgers University, Camden. She received her PhD from Temple University, MBA from the University of Miami, and BS from the University of Florida. Her research interests include nonprofit accounting and governance, with a specific focus on donor behaviors. She has published in leading accounting and nonprofit journals such as The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Review of Accounting Studies, and Nonprofit Voluntary Sector Quarterly. Professor Harris is on the editorial board of the Journal of Governmental and Non-profit Accounting Research as well as Accounting Horizons. Professional honors include Temple University Best Dissertation Award, Sigma Tau Phi Graduate Award in Accounting, American Accounting Association Government and Nonprofit Section Best Paper Awards, Rutgers University School of Business Camden Outstanding Research Award, Villanova School of Business McDonough Family Faculty Research Award, and Florida International University Professional MBA program Best Course and Best Instructor. Erica is also active in the American Accounting Association Government and Nonprofit Section serving as PhD liaison responsible for section grants and student/new faculty events as well as past meeting coordinator.
Courses Taught
- Accounting for Managers
Harris E. E., Cather W., & Romney M.
<span style="font-size:11pt;">Your Tax Dollars at Work: The Effectiveness of the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program </span>.
Journal of the American Taxation Association
Harris E. E., Dwyer K., & Murphy B.
Voluntary Adoption of Recommended Reporting Practices: Evidence from the Irish Nonprofit Sector.
European Accounting Review
Altamuro, J., & Harris, E. E.
Nonprofit Conservatism.
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy
, 42(5)
Brown, V., & Harris, E. E.
The Association of Female Leaders with Donations and Operating Margin in Nonproft Organizations.
Journal of Business Ethics
Harris, E. E., Petrovits, C., & Yetman, M.
Spreading the News: Donor Response to Disclosures About Nonprofit Fraud and Efforts to Rebuild Trust .
Nonprofit Voluntary Sector Quarterly
Altamuro, J., Bierstaker, J., Chen, L., & Harris, E. E.
Does it Pay to Pray? Religious Nonprofit and Funding.
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy
Basu, S., DeVides, Z., & Harris, E. E.
<span>Funding implications of normal and excessive profiability in the nonprofit sector</span>.
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy
Boland, C., Harris, E. E., & Neely, D.
Nonprofit Governance: Are Related Board Members Bad for Nonprofits?
Journal of Management Accounting Research
Harris, E. E., & Neely, D.
Determinants and Consequences of Nonprofit Transparency.
Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance
, 36(1)
Chang, H., Harris, E. E., Jiang, S., & Ma, Z.
Are Foreign Donors Good Monitors?
European Accounting Review
Finley, A. R., Hall, C., Harris, E. E., & Lusch, S.
The Effect of Large Corporate Donors on Nonprofit Performance.
Journal of Business Ethics
Harris, E. E., Neely, D., & Parsons, L.
Nonprofit Performance Measurement and Reporting: Looking Forward.
Journal of Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting
Harris, E. E., Neely, D., & Saxton, G.
Social Media, Signaling, and Donations: Testing the Financial Returns on Social Media Investment.
Review of Accounting Studies
Balsam, S., Harris, E. E., & Saxton, G.
The use and consequences of perquisites in nonprofit organizations.
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy
, 39(4)
Canada, J., & Harris, E. E.
The Role of Web Assurance Seals in Nonprofit Giving.
Journal of Information Systems
, 34(2)
Harris, E. E., Boland, C., Petrovits, C., & Yetman, M.
Controlling for Corporate Governance in Nonprofit Research.
Journal of Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting
, 9(1)
Amin, K., & Harris, E. E.
The Effect of Investor Sentiment on Nonprofit Donations .
Journal of Business Ethics
Harris, E. E., Bloch, R., & Peterson, A.
Interlocking Nonprofit Board Members.
Accounting Horizons
, 34(2)
Harris, E. E., Tate, S. L., & Zimmerman, A. B.
Does Hiring a Local Industry Specialist Auditor Matter to Nonprofit Organizations?
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
Balsam, S., & Harris, E. E.
Nonprofit executive incentive pay.
Review of Accounting Studies
Harris, E., Petrovits, C., & Yetman, M. H.
Why Bad Things Happen to Good Organizations: The Link Between Governance and Asset Diversions in Public Charities.
Journal of Business Ethics
Harris, E. E., Leece, R. D., & Neely, D. G.
Nonprofit lobby expense reporting.
Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management
Amin, K., & Harris, E. E.
Nonprofit Stakeholder Response to Going-Concern Audit Opinions.
Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance
Gaver, J. J., Harris, E. E., & Im, S. M.
Determinants and Consequences of Nonprofit Debt Ratings.
Accounting Horizons
Harris, E. E., & Neely, D. G.
Multiple Information Signals in the Market for Charitable Donations.
Contemporary Accounting Research
Harris, E. E., & Ruth, J. A.
Analysis of the Value of Celebrity Affiliation to Nonprofit Contributions.
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
Harris, E., Petrovits, C. M., & Yetman, M. H.
The Effect of Nonprofit Governance on Donations: Evidence from the Revised Form 990.
The Accounting Review
Balsam, S., & Harris, E. E.
The Impact of CEO Compensation on Nonprofit Donations.
The Accounting Review
Harris, E. E.
The Impact of Board Diversity and Expertise on Nonprofit Performance.
Nonprofit Management and Leadership
Harris, E. E., & Krishnan, J.
The Impact of Tarnished Auditor Reputation on Nonprofit Income.
International Journal of Auditing
Harris E. E., Balsam S., & Wong P.
The Role of Related Party Fundraising on the Relation Between Reporting Quality and Donations.
Contemporary Accounting Research