College of Business
Florida International University
Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, RB 204B
Miami, FL 33199
Phone: (305) 348-3403
Email: kyparis@fiu.edu
George J. Kyparisis
Professor, Department of Information Systems and Business Analytics
College of Business
Florida International University
Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 S.W. 8th St, RB 204B
Miami, FL 33199
Phone: (305) 348-3403
Email: kyparis@fiu.edu
Doctor of Science in General Operations Research
George Washington University, Washington, District of Columbia
Master of Science in Engineering
Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
Areas of Expertise
- operations management
- operations research
Courses Taught
- Analyzing and Leveraging Transactional Data
- Business Statistical Analysis
- Business Statistics and Analysis I
- Business Statistics and Analysis II
- Introduction to Information Systems
- Managerial Decision-Making
- Operations Management
Koulamas, C., & Kyparisis, G. J.
Two-stage no-wait proportionate flow shop scheduling with minimal service time variation and optional job rejection.
European Journal of Operational Research
, 305(2)
Koulamas, C., Kyparisis, G. J., Pinedo, M., & Wan, G.
Erratum to "Competitive Two-Agent Scheduling and Its Applications".
Operations Research
Koulamas, C., & Kyparisis, G. J.
A classification of dynamic programming formulations for offline deterministic single-machine scheduling problems.
European Journal of Operational Research
, 305(3)
Koulamas, C., & Kyparisis, G. J.
Simultaneous minimisation of mean and variation of waiting times in a two-stage proportionate blocking flow shop.
Journal of the Operational Research Society
Koulamas, C., & Kyparisis, G. J.
Flow shop scheduling with two distinct job due dates.
- Koulamas, C., & Kyparisis, G. J. (2021). The no-wait flow shop with rejection. International Journal of Production Research, 59(6).
- Koulamas, C., & Kyparisis, G. J. (2019). New results for single-machine scheduling with past-sequence-dependent setup times and due date-related objectives. European Journal of Operational Research, 278(1).
Koulamas, C., & Kyparisis, G. J.
new results for single-machine scheduling with past-sequence-dependent setup times and due date-related objectives.
European Journal of Operational Research
- Kyparisis, G. J., & Koulamas, C. (2018). Competition in two-tier serial and assembly supply chains with general consumer utility functions. International Journal of Production Research, 56(17).
- Kyparisis, G., & Koulamas, C. (2018). The price-setting newsvendor problem with nonnegative linear additive demand. European Journal of Operational Research, 269(2).
- Kyparisis, G. J., & Koulamas, C. (2018). Optimal pricing and seat allocation for a two-cabin airline revenue management problem. International Journal of Production Economics, 201(7).
- Kyparisis, G., & Koulamas, C. (2018). The price-setting newsvendor with nonlinear salvage revenue and shortage cost. Operations Research Letters, 46(1).
- Koulamas, C., & Kyparisis, G. J. (2018). Resale price maintenance in supply chains with general multiplicative demand. Operations Research Letters, 46.
- Kyparisis, G. J., & Koulamas, C. (2016). Assembly systems with sequential supplier decisions and uncertain demand. Production and Operations Management, 25(8).
- Kyparisis, G., & Koulamas, C. (2016). New structural properties of supply chains with price-only contracts. Operations Research Letters.
- Koulamas, C., & Kyparisis, G. (2015). The three-machine proportionate open shop and mixed shop minimum makespan problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 243(1).
- Kyparisis, G. J., & Koulamas, C. (2013). On Index Priority Sequencing Rules For Scheduling With Time-dependent Job Processing Times. Operations Research Letters, 41(5).
- Kyparisis, G., & Koulamas, C. (2013). Two-tier equilibria for supply chains with a single manufacturer and multiple asymmetric retailers. Operations Research Letters, 41(5).
- Kyparisis, G. J., & Koulamas, C. (2011). A note on equilibria for two-tier supply chains with a single manufacturer and multiple retailers. Operations Research Letters, 39(6).
- Kyparisis, G. J., & Koulamas, C. (2011). A note on the classification of consumer demand functions with respect to retailer pass-through rates. European Journal of Operational Research, 211(1).
- Kyparisis, G. J., & Koulamas, C. (2011). A note on the optimality of index priority rules for search and sequencing problems. Naval Research Logistics, 58(2).
- Koulamas, C., & Kyparisis, G. J. (2010). A note on the effects of downstream efficiency on upstream pricing. European Journal of Operational Research, 200(3).
- Koulamas, C., & Kyparisis, G. J. (2010). Single-machine scheduling problems with past-sequence-dependent delivery times. International Journal of Production Economics, 126(2).
- Koulamas, C., Gupta, S., & Kyparisis, G. J. (2010). A unified analysis for the single-machine scheduling problem with controllable and non-controllable variable job processing times. European Journal of Operational Research, 205(2).
- Gupta, S., Koulamas, C., & Kyparisis, G. J. (2009). E-business: A review of research published in production and operations management (1992-2008). Production and Operations Management, 18(6).
- Koulamas, C., & Kyparisis, G. J. (2009). A modified LPT algorithm for the two uniform parallel machine makespan minimization problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 196(1).
- Koulamas, C., & Kyparisis, G. J. (2009). A note on the proportionate flow shop with a bottleneck machine. European Journal of Operational Research, 193(2).
- Koulamas, C., & Kyparisis, G. J. (2008). An Improved Delayed Start LPT Algorithm for a Partition Problem on Two Identical Parallel Machines. European Journal of Operational Research, 187(2).
- Koulamas, C., & Kyparisis, G. J. (2008). Single-machine Scheduling Problems with Past-sequence-dependent Setup Times. European Journal of Operational Research, 187(3).
- Koulamas, C., & Kyparisis, G. J. (2008). Single-machine Scheduling with Waiting-time-dependent Due Dates. European Journal of Operational Research, 191(2).
- Koulamas, C., & Kyparisis, G. J. (2007). A note on performance guarantees for sequencing three-stage flexible flowshops with identical machines to minimize makespan. IIE Transactions, 39(5).
- Koulamas, C., & Kyparisis, G. J. (2007). A note on the two-stage assembly flow shop scheduling problem with uniform parallel machines. European Journal of Operational Research, 182(2).
- Koulamas, C., & Kyparisis, G. J. (2007). Single-machine and two-machine flow-shop scheduling with general learning functions. European Journal of Operational Research, 178(2).
- Gupta, J. N., Koulamas, C., & Kyparisis, G. J. (2006). Performance Guarantees for Flowshop Heuristics to Minimize Makespan. European Journal of Operational Research, 169(3).
- Koulamas, C., & Kyparisis, G. J. (2006). A Heuristic for Maximizing the Number of On-Time Jobs on Two Uniform Parallel Machines. Naval Research Logistics, 53(6).
- Kyparisis, G. J., & Koulamas, C. (2006). A Note on Makespan Minimization in Two-Stage Flexible Flow Shops with Uniform Machines. European Journal of Operational Research, 175(2).
- Kyparisis, G. J., & Koulamas, C. (2006). Flexible Flow Shop Scheduling with Uniform Parallel Machines. European Journal of Operational Research, 168(3).
- Koulamas, C., & Kyparisis, G. J. (2005). Algorithms with Performance Guarantees for Flow Shops with Regular Objective Functions. IIE Transactions, 37(12).
- Koulamas, C., & Kyparisis, G. J. (2005). Single Machine Scheduling with Release Times, Deadlines and Tardiness Objectives. European Journal of Operational Research, 160(2).
- Koulamas, C., & Kyparisis, G. J. (2004). Concurrent Flow Shop Scheduling. European Journal of Operational Research, 156(2).
- Kyparisis, G. J. (2004). Scheduling Three-operation Jobs in a Two-Machine Flow Shop to Minimize Makespan. Annals of Operations Research, 129(1-4).
- Kyparisis, G. J., & Koulamas, C. (2004). Makespan Minimization on Uniform Parallel Machines with Release Times. European Journal of Operational Research, 157(1).
- Kyparisis, G. J., & Koulamas, C. (2002). Assembly Line Scheduling with Concurrent Operations and Parallel Machines. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 14(1).
- Koulamas, C., & Kyparisis, G. J. (2001). A Note on Scheduling Flowshops with Flexible Stage Ordering. European Journal of Operational Research, 129(1).
- Koulamas, C., & Kyparisis, G. J. (2001). Single Machine Scheduling with Release Times, Deadlines and Tardiness Objectives. European Journal of Operational Research, 133(2).
- Koulamas, C., & Kyparisis, G. J. (2001). The Three-Stage Assembly Flowshop Scheduling Problem. Computers & Operations Research, 28(7).
- Kyparisis, G. J., & Koulamas, C. (2001). A Note on Wieighted Completion Time Minimization in a Flexible Flow Shop. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 29(1).
- Kyparisis, G. J. (2000). Asymptotically Optimal Linear Time Algorithms for Two-Stage and Three-Stage Flexible Flowshops. Naval Research Logistics, 47(3).
- Kyparisis, G. J. (2000). Flow Shop and Open Shop Scheduling with a Critical Machine and Two Operations per Job. European Journal of Operational Research, 127(1).
- Kyparisis, G. J. (2000). Scheduling on Uniform Parallel Machines to Minimize Maximum Lateness. Operations Research Letters, 26(4).
- Kyparisis, G. J., & Koulamas, C. (2000). Open Shop Scheduling with Makespan and Total Completion Time Criteria. Computers & Operations Research, 27(1).