Norberto Menéndez
Office: LifeWallet
“Norb” is the CEO and one of the founders of LifeWallet, a company transforming the healthcare delivery model by enabling consumers to own their health and increasing patient engagement.
Norb, brings decades of high profile software development and innovation expertise that includes his role as Engineering lead at Apple, to developing custom enterprise solutions for some of the leading enterprises in the planet. One of the inventions Norb came up with while at Apple, led to a patent that was used in the Apple v Nokia high profile federal lawsuit.
Norb’s Apple legacy has allowed the founders to attract silicon valley talent, including several former Apple engineers with decades of Apple experience. These developers became enthralled by LifeWallet's vision. They share a passion for building systems that will positively impact lives and transform the delivery of healthcare.
Norb has an MBA, an MSCIS, and a BSEE with Computer Engineering, and is a Certified Professional in Health Information Management Systems (CPHIMS).