BankUnited Partnership

ATOM Pink Tank program applications are accepted in the Fall of every year. This opportunity is open to currently enrolled students across Florida International University, pursuing a STEM degree (this includes business analytics) with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Approximately 12-15 applicants will be selected to participate the program, those selected will be notified by email.
Pink Tank participants will have the opportunity to:
- Hone critical skills under the mentorship of BankUnited executives and FIU ISBA faculty who will serve as business coaches
- Connect with STEM business executives and subject matter experts by attending several professional workshops
- Present at the FIU Power Up Women’s Leadership Summit
- Compete in the Final Challenge Presentations with the opportunity to design solutions to real-world challenges
All Pink Tank participants will receive a $750 stipend to aid in their research and project activities. Tuition scholarships of $500 - $1,000 are also awarded to the individual members of the top performing teams in the final presentation challenge.
Pink Tank applicants must upload with their application:
- Current resume
- Statement of Intent (expressing motivation to participate in the program)
- At least one recommendation letter