Business Finance

Executive Education Programs

Business Financial Planning & Analysis (FPAC) Certificate Program

Predicting a company’s future financial performance requires more skill than ever. Learn the latest best practices for analyzing trends, building forecasts and creating financial models.

Certified Treasury Professional Certificate Program

The unprecedented disruptions now rolling through global markets are dealing a blow to many capital models and cash strategies. Get ready to become a key finance team player as a Certified Treasury Professional and acquire mastery of current and emerging technology, analytical skills, soft skills and the ability to collaborate effectively and add value across the enterprise.

FIBA Anti Money Laundering Certified Associate (AMLCA)

Designed to focus on the daily responsibilities of an organization’s Anti Money Laundering/Bank Secrecy Act compliance officer, the Anti Money Laundering Certified Associate (AMLCA) certification is a prestigious, internationally recognized credential. This program, offered in partnership with the Florida International Bankers Association, offers broad understanding of the AML body of knowledge. It also provides practice quizzes to successfully prepare for the certification exam.

FIBA Certified Professional in Anti Money Laundering (CPAML)

The CPAML certification is the most advanced-level Anti Money Laundering (AML) certification offered by the Florida International Bankers Association (FIBA). This course, in partnership with FIBA, follows a case-study format focusing on the actual challenges faced by the senior compliance officer responsible for the AML compliance function within an institution. The course also is ideal for senior management and external directors who want to manage risks associated with money laundering.

Finance Essentials for Non-Finance Business Leaders

The complexity of today’s business environment demands that non-finance business professionals such as human resources, operations, sales and project managers work collaboratively with the organization’s finance and accounting teams to deliver the best results possible. With this certificate program, learn essential finance and accounting principles, broaden your understanding of financial analysis and upgrade skills in the field of financial management.

Finance Innovation & Technology

This program is offered only to Organizations & Groups.

From crypto currencies and blockchain to new payment systems, financial innovation is creating a new economy – and revolutionizing how the world does business. This powerful certificate program helps organizational and business leaders understand fundamentals of these new technological trends and how they will impact their organizations. The goal is not to simply understand new financial technologies, but to get ahead of the changes and create competitive advantages. 

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